No1 Sales

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He held a discussion on issues that could work together
Members of the delegation from Japan's #Topan firm met with An Educational Materials Production and Distribution Enterprise in order to collaborate on publishing and other beneficial endeavors. ![]()
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October's performance was reviewed. Educational Instruments Manufacturing and Distribution Company October performance report was reviewed by the board of directors of the organization. The CEO of the organization Dr. #Temesgen_Garoma, who presented the monthly performance review, has explained to the Board of Directors that there were good results in the revenue stream in October. They have confirmed that they will work hard and concentrate on increasing the income and profit of the organization. The chairman of the organization's management board Mr. #Mekiu_Mohammed has stated that the result obtained in the month is very good. He has instructed all the employees to work for better results. Especially the quality of work (Kaizen/Agronomics), the work that has been started on beautifying the work place and the environment should be continued and work carefully. The organization's management board member Dr. #Dereje_Engda has stated that the methods of making market and profit should be expanded. He stated that the performance of the organization is very good. The board members of the organization Honorable Mr. #Tesema_Fote, Honorable Mr. Dadimos_Getachew and the representative of the labor union have participated in the evaluation. |
The company's employees at work
Residence Address Ethiopian Investment Holding senior leaders visited the Educational Materials Production and Distribution Enterprise Date 15/11/2023
A delegation of 8 members led by Mrs. Yasmin Wahbrebu Seid, Deputy CEO of Investment Holding, visited today, November 5, 2016, the working level of the Educational Materials Production and Distribution Enterprise. |
The Somali Regional Education Bureau has signed an agreement with an Educational Materials Production and Distribution Enterprise for the printing and distribution of full-color textbooks. The agreement was signed on June 6, 2015. The publication and distribution of 200 million Birr full-color textbooks for the 2016 school year will be completed within 90 consecutive days. The contract agreement was signed in the presence of the management members, and the signing ceremony was concluded by thanking the office for the printing works we have done in the past years.year will be completed within 90 consecutive days. ![]() ![]() The CEO of our company, Dr. Temeseng Garoma, attended the UNops headquarters and signed a contract yesterday for 3000 desks, 240 blackboards, 600 white chalks to be completed in one week. |
To support the education sector and meet the needs of the stakeholders by providing modern and high-quality educational equipment and services with the help of qualified, reliable, motivated employees and smart technology.
To be preferred in East Africa in 2022 by providing high-quality educational aids supported by modern technology.
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Copy Rite © 2014 Education Materials Production and Destrbute Enterprise